Is built on the foundation of transparency and honesty. Transparency between a roaster and brewer.
And honesty that reflects in the final brewed cup. In a ideal scenario,
A Roaster and farmer work together on the crop by sharing ideas and doing processing together. A process executed in harmony for the betterment of the crop. The roaster then profiles the green beans, decides a suitable roast profile after cupping them and lists down every single detail relevant to the journey up until now. Then comes the part where the brewer becomes a part of the journey and gets to try all lots.
A brewer knowing the coffee origin, process and roast profile is better equipped to produce a much flavorful cup then otherwise.
And thus we as roasters become a bridge between producer and brewers to pass on the transparent information and also unlock the complete potential of the bean by roasting it to create unforeseen flavors.Then comes the final stage in the entire journey of the bean, where the brewer uses her/his skill and curiosity to brew a cup that aligns with the roasted profile and creates a flavorful final cup. The brewer then has the opportunity to pass on the information to fellow brewers and newcomers to help extract a similar final cup. This then, completes the lifecycle of the bean where we all play an important role.

So we ask you, do you talk grey ?