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Saccharomyces Anaerobic Naturals (Med Roast)

Saccharomyces Anaerobic Naturals (Med Roast)

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Tamarind, Passion Fruit & Crisp Red Apples Aftertaste.

Suitable for all brew methods. 

Origin Melkodige Estate, Mudigere, Chikmagalur
Process Hand picked cherries surface dried & put into barrels to undergo anaerobic fermentation with saccharomyces yeast using a atomiser for 80 hours. Evetually dried under shade for twenty days.
Dry Aroma Blueberry & Raisins
Wet Aroma Red wine & Kiwi
Sensory Evaluation Tamrind, Passion Fruit & Crisp Red Apples Aftertaste.

Varietal & Altitude SLN 795 grown at 4200 MSL
Roast Medium Roast droped at 208° with 15% DTR
Minimum resting period Filter 7 days | Espresso 14 Days
Characterisitics Wine Like & Very fruity
A song that pairs well


Roaster thoughts :
Fermentation with yeast inoculation leads high sugar levels. A fermented coffee is more denser and requires low heat and faster drum in order to avoid charring. A medium roast was found to be the most suitable for this LOT as it did bring out the maximum potential. The release of aroma when hot water comes in contact with coffee is dense and fruity. When the crust is broken into, there is a release citrus fruit like aroma. The taste resembles tamarind and passion fruit with pleasant lingering sweetness. 

Roast Profile :
Roast Machine : Probat
Development Time : 1.40 min sec  
First Crack Temperature :194° Celsius
End Bean Temperature : 208° Celsius
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